Grind Mindset is a lifestyle

By Anonymous - 18/03/2022 22:00 - Germany - Zittau

Today, my boss took back the raise he promised me, because I'm “not as resilient as I made him believe.” Well yes, I had the audacity to get sick at an inconvenient time for the company, and I am hardly able to leave my bed, let alone work. Which is apparently due to a “lack of positive mindset.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 167
You deserved it 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When you are well and able look for a new job - But don’t quit until you find an acceptable one.

yahok 3


When you are well and able look for a new job - But don’t quit until you find an acceptable one.

yahok 3
Pinkdahlia75 1

If you have the promise of a raise in writing, I think you can contest that