Grandma rocks!

By Anonymous - 20/04/2014 21:38 - Slovenia - Domzale

Today, I decided to be nice and pay a visit to my grandma. We ended up playing Scrabble. In between passing wind that smelled like rotting eggs, she kept playing the filthiest words she could, and yelled at me whenever I checked to see if they were in the Scrabble dictionary. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 480
You deserved it 5 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time you to play scrabble, have a meal with beans and eggs. Fight fire with fire.


havahnegila 22

Wow! I wish my grams was around for me to hang out with... And here u are complaining because she's got gas or she is enjoying her short time left by spelling dirty words... Ungrateful!!!!

PSH who needs the rule book? Feel bad for you with her terrible fart though, OP.

Hey, you did the right thing being respectful by sticking around and being nice by visiting her. I hope it was still overall a pleasant visit aside from the smell. Also, since you're supposed to challenge, I would have yelled at you if you looked up every other word I laid down too. FYL for the smell, but at least you won't regret never visiting her before she's gone forever.

I don't think the word filter will let you do that...

Jizzbut. 7 letters. score:10,1,10,10,4,2,1.= 38 + triple word score=114. Double for using all my letters = 228. WINNING!

I bet I could beat her fart smell. :D

If only there was a " your grandmothers a badass" button.

haha she's just having fun! get a sense of humor! one day you'll be in her shoes!