Good job, son!

By peeepeee. - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while taking a drug test for a volunteer job, I found out that I have a "shy bladder". It took me ages to pee into a cup. I was congratulated and clapped for by complete strangers when I finally left, all for taking a piss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 015
You deserved it 4 531

Top comments

snavula 0

A drug test for a volunteer job? That's outrageous. What's wrong with a drug addict who wants to help? They're not getting paid..

loveyababe 0

had that happen before. sucks


bmx9590 0

Wow that was the dumbest fml ever

vag_fml 0

*claps hands* yay. You peed in a cup ! Congradulations ! (: i'm so proud of you ! When I had to pee in a cup, I cried. Hahaha XD

I had that for my co-op that I'm on now. They told me to come back the following Monday and bring in the pee, lol.

dark4tiger 0

wow these strangers must have liked watching you ( not in that nasty way)

hillary4prez2016 0

Be proud! Hardly anyone gets an ovation for pissing. And besides--they piss test for volunteer work, now? FYL.

Definitely not an FML. I have a bladder condition that makes it basically impossible to pee anywhere but home. Even at home I have a very poor success ratio. So believe me, just because it took you a little while to piss on a cup certainly doesn't make your life suck.