Good intentions

By Anonymous - 16/08/2021 19:01 - Indonesia - Bekasi

Today, I asked someone to work with me because I felt sorry for her. Turns out, she isn't at all helpful and refuses to work after school, just because she would miss her "beauty nap". She also made up dumb excuses for why she couldn't help me or the others. I wonder why no one wanted to be in a group with her… FML
I agree, your life sucks 791
You deserved it 140

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That’s why I always hated group projects in school. I was glad every one of my college professors had a “turkey rule” which allowed groups to kick people out if they were not pulling their weight.


That’s why I always hated group projects in school. I was glad every one of my college professors had a “turkey rule” which allowed groups to kick people out if they were not pulling their weight.

Group projects should never be a thing. Ever.