Gardening world

By Anonymous - 17/05/2012 16:28 - United States - Great Mills

Today, I was trying to convince my husband to not trim the lower branches of my favorite tree. After pleading my case, I turned around and ran smack into one of said branches. My face and my dignity still hurt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 009
You deserved it 22 502

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I thought this was about , shaving his private parts for a second haha

Those damn trees. *shakes fists angrily in the air.


If he's your husband then he will understand and not use your misfortune as an excuse to cut the tree. Stuff like this happens but when you have a hubby, he makes it feel better

What? Could you say that again? I didn't get it the first three times! :/

If he's your husband then he will understand and not use your misfortune as an excuse to cut the tree. Stuff like this happens but when you have a hubby, he makes it feel better

Ydi, sounds like you didn't listen to as to why your husband was trimming them, maybe he knew that someone was going to have an accident by walking into them. You proved that right though, I think it's best you let him trim them.

You can't just stick to your guns; you need to branch out and listen to your husband and get to the root of the problem instead of barking at him. Otherwise, all that's left to do is pick yourself up, dust off your trunk, and leave.

I think that comment might twig some sense into her, Doc.

Doc, whenever yew make a oak it is always a tree-t.

Yew an oak are types of trees an sound like "you" and "joke." and tree-t, like treat... Well, I guess you can't win em all.

49 - Doc, whenever you make a joke it is always a treat* He tried to use tree puns... Leave it to the professional, 45.

45 and 50 are the same person 'idiot'.

reddudeover 2

That mom from the other FML about being aware of your surroundings is looking for you.

Husband: Honey, I'm going to trim the tree. Wife: what? NOOoooo..., you can't, that's my favorite tree! Husband: ...but it's too low, it would be easier to mow around so that I don't hit the branches. Wife: I don't care. Just watch what your doing & leave my tree alone! -turns to walk away- Bam! -shower of leaves hit the ground- Husband: You were saying?

perdix 29

Even trees want to be trimmed "down there." The tree smacked you for preventing it from becoming sexy smooth in the lower trunk region.

TheEpicMilkMan 13

I do a better job, I use a flamethrower c:

If you cut down the low branches you can't climb in the tree. Why the hell would he want that? But you did deserve it for walking into the branch.