Gan canny or we'll dunsh summick!

By Joshua - 28/08/2023 08:00 - United Kingdom - Newcastle

Today, I discovered my new phone's voice command doesn't really understand my accent while I'm driving. It kept thinking I was saying, "Call my mum" instead of, "Open Maps". It called my mum 14 times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 510
You deserved it 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think that after the fifth time, you should have considered stopping on the side of the road, or if it was not possible on the first area or parking that allowed it, to manually adjust Maps instead of flogging it.

The phone's AI is wise enough to know you'd screw things up if you had unsupervised access to Maps and getting direction from "Mum" is what you need.


I think that after the fifth time, you should have considered stopping on the side of the road, or if it was not possible on the first area or parking that allowed it, to manually adjust Maps instead of flogging it.

The phone's AI is wise enough to know you'd screw things up if you had unsupervised access to Maps and getting direction from "Mum" is what you need.

Change your mum's contact name. (maybe to mother?)