Furries unite!

By aeghw1s - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I started my new job at a restaurant. I'm going to be the mascot that stands by the road to wave down customers in a heavy polyester animal suit. The high today is 102. I work 12-4. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 607
You deserved it 6 404


I hope u are okay after ur shift. ;)

Congrats on being employed! I'd have the "potential cause for a lawsuit or when does my workman's comp begin" conversation with your boss after your shift.

Congrats on being employed! I'd have the "potential cause for a lawsuit or when does my workman's comp begin" conversation with your boss after your shift.

betsyboox02 0

i hope this isn't just a volunteer job an yer getting paid good..

nonamericandolla 6

someone can get a heat stroke or pass out like this

MeRcixXxTRiPp 0

I wanna be the Mr. Pickles pickle :]]

The previous guy died of heat stroke in that suit, hence the smell. On the bright side, you're probably only two days away from your target weight.

Just be careful not to get run over!

bajagurl123 0

yea true at least you got a job (: and nobody will know its you