Furries unite!

By aeghw1s - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I started my new job at a restaurant. I'm going to be the mascot that stands by the road to wave down customers in a heavy polyester animal suit. The high today is 102. I work 12-4. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 607
You deserved it 6 404


Relentless_J 0

If you take the job you have to take what comes with it.

could be worse you could be the guy in the suit after you!

Then quit and give that Position to someone that actually wants to work...ppl these days

TheColorOfAir 3

not as bad as my bros job.... try 6 to 11 at night

logansgirl 0

Stay hydrated and keep looking for another job.

lol, these are things you should think about first........except I probably wouldn't have thought about it either....:/