Fleeing the scene

By Winxy - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco

Today, my three-year-old nephew chose to jump out of a window and break his arm rather than be babysat by me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 098
You deserved it 4 532

Top comments

How the did three year old manage that? I'm 20 and I still can't figure out how to open a damned window.

I hate to break it to you OP, but he probably doesn't like you.


MrZsDad 19

Considering the result, he may be on to something.

probably because you keep such a poor watch of him he was able to jump out of a window

Sometimes, young children will push boundaries to great lengths to get points across. They do this purely to state that they, too, are human and their thoughts should be, although mostly are definitely not, valued as much as an adults. It is the great misunderstandings of life that are the simplest to figure out.