Fish 101

By liishax3 - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco

Today, I noticed my fish was still hungry after feeding him earlier. I figured, "Eh, a little bit more won't kill him." I was wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 353
You deserved it 10 088


Did you not get advice or research how to take care of your animal? You deserve it, the fish does not. Unless it's salmon then it's dinner.

Consider those extra fish flakes the stuffing! I always preferred stuffing vs dressing! Fishy- fishyyyyyy!

qdawg06 23
iShanny 13

How could you tell he was still hungry?

Ashd09 30

I'm curious as to what made you think the fish looked hungry...??

"Fish heads fish heads Roly poly fish heads fish heads fish heads eat them up, yum!"

I remember the MTV video for that song.

I started to sing it after reading the lyrics...

Never name a fish, they die faster. And never feed them too much haha

cjwayy 22

How can you tell if a fish is hungry??

sempisaviour 17

YDI for killing your fish. May God have mercy on your soul.

novapine 19

How did you notice? Was he rubbing his belly?