Fish 101

By liishax3 - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco

Today, I noticed my fish was still hungry after feeding him earlier. I figured, "Eh, a little bit more won't kill him." I was wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 353
You deserved it 10 088


I did that to my brother's fish once...oops

Fish are hard to understand with feeding...I mean thinking logically the little bit could be a snack later

How did you know it was still hungry?

Fish can remember the way you walk, so if you walk by the tank it will start eating because they expect food

Whenever me and my dad walk down the stairs in the morning, the fish start swimming at the side of the tank at the base of the steps. Then again I always feed them in the morning after I wake up

Right! Mine did that too, I always fed them at the same time every day, and they started swimming around when I walked to the tank.

It wasn't dead, you muppet! If overfed some pet fish species will float inert, but they are not dead.

unicornluver3173 13

Sometimes I don't feed my fish for a month. He lived 5 years.

was someone else feeding them? after a month it's very unlikely it would survive, I'd be surprised if it went a week with no food