Fine, let her catch something

By JackG - 03/03/2010 01:20 - United States

Today, while at McDonald's, I saw an 8 year-old girl licking a life-size Ronald McDonald sitting on a bench. Being concerned, I told her mother, who then yelled at me for 10 minutes for being a "paedophile" and "being turned on by an 8 year-old girl." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 076
You deserved it 3 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

imdeborah 0

WTF? the girl's mom is deffinitely a dumbass.

darnesey 0

you never know how many other kids licked mcdonald's body. so many germs.


seriously? how do you know OP wasn't eating a grilled chicken salad with fat free dressing? not EVERYTHING there is bad for you.

Fminetoo 0

I was being sarcastic. Im in a very odd mood, and totally up for being sorta sarcastic on the internet while telling people how to live their lives. I need, well, I think I need a beer......

Actually, that movie was made years ago and isn't relevant now. McDonalds now has the healthiest overall menu of all the major fast food chains, and all of them are healthier than when that "movie" was made. (I think its a stretch to call that a movie, since the entire movie is just a publicity stunt to get an otherwise meaningless guy famous.)

deanomiye 0

i know i watched it in health class it was stupid

I work there. It's all bad for you. If you want healthy don't eat fast food period. It's not even about the calories. It's about the chemicals used to process it, the sodium, unnatural sugars. The list goes on forever. Next time your in try looking at the back of your tray liner and see how much shit is in that grilled chicken salad with low fat dressing. You'll be surprised. It's even worse in the states.

Fminetoo 0

TruthisRelative, Good point, I have read that FML several times just be sure there were no gramatical errors. Props to the OP! Oh and FYL

Asheanao 0

That mom was a complete moron, then.

yeah, who asked you to interfere? when the child comes down with a funky strept infection or stolen by a real preditor it will be her own damn fault for being a terrible parent and not supervising her child in a public place!!!

Let her raise the little tart. She will one day look back, after get daughter changes her name to Diamond and becomes a stripper, and she'll think, "That guy wasn't a pedophile at all, he just... knew. He just... knew."

That mother is an idiot if she is not worried about the germs her little girl is going to get. Besides, how would that turn anyone on. It's not like the girl was licking Ronald's mcnuggets.

idiot can't even spell pedophile right. you sicko. quit lookin at little kids.

Shae84 0

I love making fun of ignorant, retarded Americans too. Hello, it's ENGLISH. From ENGLAND. They invented the damn language and can spell it however they want!

English is a west germanic language, meaning the basis was formed in Germany, but later prospered in Britain when it was brought over by Anglo-Saxon settlers. Much in the same way how English prospered in America when brought over by English settlers. Pretty much, your argument fails.

Batman4890 0

not really; as German and English are two different languages, so they don't spell words the same, however American's didn't make their own language did they? So no your argument fails

FYL for being aroused by 8 year olds licking things... you did like it, didnt you.... filth

Hey, he could have just been in a Wal-Mart. That's the only place I've seen one of those benches lately.. wait that doesn't make it any better?

It's still a Fricken Mickey D's isn't it? What does it matter that it's in a Wally-World?

Because if it is in a Wally-world he could have just been walking by that area of the store and saw what was going on, not necessary there for McD food.