
By James - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, we got our yearbooks for school. I opened to my profile to see that they misspelled my first name which is James. They wrote Lames. FML
I agree, your life sucks 164 348
You deserved it 13 331

Top comments

ambrosia21 0

The yearbook editors are supposed to triple check the names to prevent that kind of stuff. sorry you were the subject of their carelessness/incompetence.

toxxiclove 0

if you have a sucky life you could convice people you're the new exchange student. hello. my name is lames. pronounces lah-mez. oh lala.


castnerinho 0

fake. it would more likely by hames, names, or yames, with letter location on the keyboard. bs

um your real name is James, you probably are lame. I've never met a cool James.

vein 0

@ # 12 thats not funny at all. D: if any of you take spanish then you would know playa means beach in spanish. she was just trying to make it better for everyone. a simple mistake, honestly.

HAHAHA sorry it's funny. but you're school has crap yearbook editors. Mine are super obsessed with it to make sure everything's perfect. Or maybe someone did that on purpose. If it was really a typo, it would've been Kames. Not Lames.

theoldGP 0

nice nice Lamesssssss.. someone might have done that on purpose which makes it even funnier if it were a typo then it would be like Hames or Kames lmao

high_on_life1808 6

I was completely left out of my yearbook last year. And it was my senior year so I had my cool senior pic and my senior write-up. So I definitely feel your pain. :(

yearbook people aren't stupid enough to make mistakes on people's names. this is all bsed.

high_on_life1808 6

Actually #123, now that you've got me thinking of it, they've done that to my sister at one point as well. She was in the yearbook twice under two different last names and the screw up had her original school pic with it. She had the pic retaken and the retake was with her real name. But it happens. And it sucks. Just because it's never happened to you personally doesn't mean it's impossible.

what i dont understand is why people make such a big deal about spilt milk. if anything just ignore it make it a joke, who cares.

ummm 125 WTf does milk have to do with this