
By James - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, we got our yearbooks for school. I opened to my profile to see that they misspelled my first name which is James. They wrote Lames. FML
I agree, your life sucks 164 348
You deserved it 13 331

Top comments

ambrosia21 0

The yearbook editors are supposed to triple check the names to prevent that kind of stuff. sorry you were the subject of their carelessness/incompetence.

toxxiclove 0

if you have a sucky life you could convice people you're the new exchange student. hello. my name is lames. pronounces lah-mez. oh lala.


that really sucks, but is really hilarious.

I literally lol'd for 30 seconds at that. 30 seconds is a long amount of time to actually laugh out loud. This is ******* hilarious. Seriously. I don't know why it struck me as so funny, but it's just awesome and great. #7 - But it is close! On my keyboard, it's separated from the J by only the K. Very easy typo to make. #10 - LOL!!

#108...explaining a LOL...overkill much?

AHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA succkkssss but there are worse things that truly is funny

noele299 0

hahahahahahahahaahh! could be worse

Sa_Ku 0

First years in yearbook class.... they can be horrible.

aego56 0