
By James - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, we got our yearbooks for school. I opened to my profile to see that they misspelled my first name which is James. They wrote Lames. FML
I agree, your life sucks 164 347
You deserved it 13 330

Top comments

ambrosia21 0

The yearbook editors are supposed to triple check the names to prevent that kind of stuff. sorry you were the subject of their carelessness/incompetence.

toxxiclove 0

if you have a sucky life you could convice people you're the new exchange student. hello. my name is lames. pronounces lah-mez. oh lala.


You think that's bad? They misspelled my name with an a at the end to make it sound like a girl's name.

braFTW 0

I feel your pain Lames... hahahaha On the bright side, everyone will know who you are from now on, make up jokes to reply quickly and you'll be just fine.

In 8th grade, they mispelled this kid Zach's name as Jack. Idk how though.

Looks like someone in the Yearbook committee has it out for you, man.

hey dude if i were you i would actually be happy. I was in the Yearbook committee when i was in high school and lets just say, from what they told us, you can make TONS of money of them. So if i were you, i would stop crying and starting the lawsuit. Lucky kid

Vidmantas 0

Dude, that sucks, I would laugh and be angry at the same time, it's like your longest savored memory of school and ur Lames.

alwaysalady 0

In my graduating class there was another girl with my same first name and last name for the first three letters. They got our names mixed up. I'm blond. She was Hispanic. To make matters worse, we didn't even like each other.