Debate perverts

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff

Today, my music students began a lively debate about whether or not a music stand would make a good weapon for the zombie apocalypse. What am I teaching them? FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 635
You deserved it 962

Same thing different taste

Top comments

From how it sounds, you're teaching them how to survive.

Garnetshaddow 30

<p>I'm sure that is a little disappointing... but it sounds like they're at least using their brains and being creative. I've had many debates with people on the effectiveness of objects as weapons or how to zombie-proof a building... usually at work. It makes for an interesting discussion.</p> <p>In their favor, a music stand could be a good choice. The folding ones have several pieces that could be made in to weapons, and they're lightweight. The heavier single piece stands would be better fo


<p>If I were a teacher (which I'd be awful at) I'd wind up caught up in the argument and no music practice would ever get done.</p> <p>Also, a music stand probably could be used as either a blunt weapon if the base is used to hit, or if you sharpened the edge of the book holder, maybe an axe.</p>

babysittersh*t 2

"we could pry it's head off with it?" "it's already dead though! what would that do?" I would, as well, say F. M. L.

KalinaHD 7

in band class today I actually thought about this

Annies 17

Yes it would, do you know how much those things hurt!!?