Deal with it

By Anonymous - 11/11/2020 22:02 - Argentina - Mar De Ajo

Today, apparently having mood swings at 37 weeks pregnant is being "braggy" according to my husband, and totally not acceptable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 913
You deserved it 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

“Braggy”? What does that even mean? Is he mansplaining to you what pregnancy mood swings are?

braggy means showing self importance. I'd guess he's feels like she's acting like her needs are significantly more important than his.


So you come to FML to brag about that? Soon, you'll have a braggy baby to deal with and you'll see what your husband puts up with.

Marcella1016 31

“Braggy”? What does that even mean? Is he mansplaining to you what pregnancy mood swings are?

I take it to mean "boastful." My guess is that since the OP is from Argentina, this abomination is a product of Google Translate.

braggy means showing self importance. I'd guess he's feels like she's acting like her needs are significantly more important than his.