Cue Rockwell

By liLbob6598 - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I received a string of blank texts from an unknown number. When I asked who it was, I got a list of every place I've been over the last three days. I'm scared to leave the house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 735
You deserved it 2 704

Top comments

ShroomsOnAcid 16

That's one of the unfortunate drawbacks of modern technology. Tracking someone is easier than you think, especially when so many people willingly share that information on social networking sites like Facebook.

ieatcanteloupe 7

Someone has to be messing with you, if the problem persist I highly suggest you contact law enforcement.


kickuwithmyfist 1

Go do an eight ball and find his ass=D

rillastyle 1

Phone hacked gps P.S this story was posted like 2 months ago

lrgenesis 19

I guarantee your friend gave one of their friends your number then told them all this stuff to mess with you

Tell them you'll be right out and exit your house with a bat.

You may want to inform the police about that, that's super creepy.

Jazzy_B34r 12