
By Anonymous - 05/10/2021 14:01

Today, my son was having a hard time mentally, and asked my wife if she loved him as much as she loved her biological children. She straight up told him not to be stupid, because of course she doesn’t love a step-kid as much as she loves her "real kids." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 555
You deserved it 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slhiggx 17

This seems like the start of a serious conversation between you and your wife. This response is quite insensitive.


I have a friend like this, she only ever thinks 0 steps ahead.

Asking people to rank their loves is walking in a minefield. You might as well ask her if she loves you more than Popeye's chicken.

what an insensitive woman. I am sorry for your son ☹️ I have been blessed with a stepfather that never made me or my sister feel like we were any less his daughters than his biological ones. I have only ever had a step son, I have no biological children, but I cannot imagine loving anyone "more" than I love that boy.

slhiggx 17

This seems like the start of a serious conversation between you and your wife. This response is quite insensitive.

If she's willing to say that to him joking or not then you need to question your marriage. And if you don't think thats wrong then you have no business calling yourself a father, your selfish.

Umm ya that's a deal breaker, make sure you tell your son you love him and your wife is a ****.

Divorce that **** immediately. She is showing her true colors, and that's your kid she just mentally ****** with. Bye Felicia!

I mean, that's a super ******* insensitive answer to the world's worst question (up there with, which one of us is your favourite?), and she definitely shouldn't have answered it like that, but... how old is your son, how long have you been married to your wife? If he's an older teen and you've only been married briefly, it's unlikely she's bonded with him as much as she has with any kids that hers biologically. Doesn't excuse the way she answered though, and that definitely calls not just for a talk with her, but probably professional talk with all three of you.

Wadlaen 23

Even though this is completely true from her side, it's still a shitty thing to say in that situation.