Creative new ways to be a shitgibbon

By fries - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Brooklyn

Today, my boyfriend announced to me he was sleeping with another girl via alphabet soup. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 069
You deserved it 3 911

Top comments

Well that's a creative way to get the message across...

XlDeathshadowXl 13

I hope you left him a good note saying he's single in alphabet soup too. Sorry op :(


I'm not saying its a good thing but you have to give home some credit for his creativity

When did everyone stop respecting monogamy?

RedPillSucks 31

Well, that's a creative way of doing it. Too bad he's not worth the effort to bake a cake saying, "Bye-bye, loser".

aliepearson 7

Well that's also kinda a win cause you know.. Food...

conholio33 28
meggleskm 7

I would've been more impressed if he had done that using chicken noodle soup. In all seriousness though, you're boyfriend is a dick, and you deserve so much better.

Women are always expecting a special 'unique' marriage proposal. Why complain when we pop other big news in creative ways?

Alphabet soup? Doesn't sound like he is old enough to be sleeping with someone period.