But they're so cuuuuute

By britanyann - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had to explain to my 25-year-old boyfriend why we cannot get pet raccoons. This is not the first time we have had this conversation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 065
You deserved it 6 572

Top comments

Aww but why not? He's learning responsibility

Well, why the hell not? Raise them from cubs and they're just as amiable and loving as any other slightly-less-than-common pet.


"Awww, who needs a hug?" -Buddy to raccoon

OK IM 31, please explain y u can't have pet raccoon. BTW my friend had one. He lived in a cage like a rabbit and was fat

Perhaps you should date someone who isn't vacuous.

You can actually get pet raccoons, but you have to get one from a "breeder"

72 - Well if a lady can keep ... 12? Skunks I believe, I'm sure you can tame racoons. Best start when they're young! Train them as they grow.

Get a cat, paint it in raccoon design and color and give it to him. Explain that the species is related, explaining the meows, and I'm sure he won't know the difference, being as unintelligent as he sounds...

your all wrong you go and take a baby one out of the nest while its young and the you raise it until it gets to the point were its to big and angy. After that you let it go. it knows how to survive plus pretty much nothing will eat them any way. Only trucks on the road....

I'm not saying you can or should get them, but they actually have made decent pets for a lot of people. They're clever and quite capable of learning and being trained. The cleverness is a big downside too, though. They get bored without things to explore and investigate and play with, and if you're not really good at keeping on-task entertaining them they will investigate EVERYTHING, often destructively. Potentially great pets, just really not for everyone. A bored raccoon is unhappy and makes its owner unhappy.

shyheart 0

Aw I wish my boyfriend wanted a raccoon -_- he's the one telling me I can't have one lmao.

kala_lanier 2

I have had a pet raccoon for almost 2 years now, she is very smart and super sweet.