
By Plush - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - France

Today, a work colleague announced that she's organising a bit of a party. She then said, in front of everyone, that I'm not invited, to "avoid ruining the vibe." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 653
You deserved it 2 832

Top comments

go clubbing with your friends drink shitloads take a shitload of pictures with a shitload of attractive people then get facebook and post it up. when they realize your all cool and shit and they invite you to a party say **** that your party cant keep up with this.


posts95 6

I used to think it was spelled "organizing" and that American English was the only true English, but one day someone pointed out the fact that I'm a thick **** with my head so far up my ass daylight seemed an alien concept. Then yea, lo, I saw the light!

I knew there was something weird about it

organize something yourself then tell her she's not invited because there are no uptight bitches aloud :)

Ah you don't need to go to that party anyway. It'll probably suck.

What a asshole. But I agree, I think she just ruined the vibe by saying that.

jdime209 2

Well **** them. If they have a problem with you so what. Everybody has their own opinion.

gators1995 30

You should have responded with "Bitch don't kill my vibe".