Booty non-call

By Alex - 15/12/2020 13:58

Today, my girl sent me a naked booty pic, telling me not to be late home. When I got home, she was in dirty old sweatpants, too upset for sex because her celebrity crush died. Not in real life, in one of the TV shows she's watching. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 751
You deserved it 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jfigley 5

Is your girl a teenager or a woman? Thats pathetic..... she needs to grow up....

Just be patient. Your girl sounds like she's crazy. The crazy ones are the wildest in the sack!


jfigley 5

Is your girl a teenager or a woman? Thats pathetic..... she needs to grow up....

Just be patient. Your girl sounds like she's crazy. The crazy ones are the wildest in the sack!

Marcella1016 31

I can vouch for that hahaha Well, not 100% of the time. Sometimes the voices can be too distracting.

That must be a really well written show. I know that the Expanse season 1 made me cry. My partner knew it would when he showed me it tho, so he had hot chocolate and a cookie for me. Which was sweet.