Bit of an overreaction

By Anonymous - 03/02/2023 16:00

Today, my girlfriend firmly believes that wild Karens should be classed as vermin, as proven when we met a screaming Karen in Starbucks and my girlfriend jumped straight in there and kicked her ass until she stopped screaming. I'm now waiting to pick her up at the police station. FML
I agree, your life sucks 936
You deserved it 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OMG, she's living the dream. Shame about the arrest, though...tell her to work on her exit strategy for next time.


OMG, she's living the dream. Shame about the arrest, though...tell her to work on her exit strategy for next time.

Mandela MLK Gandhi Your girlfriend Heroes who were jailed by oppressive authorities for pursuing justice.

your gf out here doing the Lord's work. not all heros wear capes

your gf is freaking awesome! we all dream of doing that, but don't like jail lol.