
By Anonymous - 08/04/2024 09:00 - United States - Dallas

Today, although I received a good grade for my science project, it was disqualified for the science fair that I'd hoped to enter. A beautiful scale model of our solar system was ruined by the Cro-Magnons in one of the other classes; I found pieces of it scattered all over the classroom. The teacher did nothing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 524
You deserved it 79

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tiptoppc 19

Ok, when the others are out of school, lure them into a dark alley and scatter their kneecaps with a crowbar. See if they can crawl back to school after that. Well, maybe better not to take this advice, but some equally damaging revenge, like maybe planting “something” on them and telling the principal you saw them dealing outside near the school entrance


tiptoppc 19

Ok, when the others are out of school, lure them into a dark alley and scatter their kneecaps with a crowbar. See if they can crawl back to school after that. Well, maybe better not to take this advice, but some equally damaging revenge, like maybe planting “something” on them and telling the principal you saw them dealing outside near the school entrance