Asshat of the day

By Ariane - 28/11/2022 12:00 - Belgium - Brussels

Today, my son's school called me at work to let me know my son had broken his leg playing soccer, so I had to come and take him to hospital. I told my boss I had to leave, explaining why. He asked, "How old is your son? - 16. - He's 16 and he still needs his mother? You're not leaving!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 138
You deserved it 71

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I presume by now the crisis has mostly passed. Hopefully either boss came to their senses or OP grew some courage. Remember this while you look for your next job. I’m not saying quit without another job lined up, but start looking. Life is too short to work for an asshole. And I hope son’s leg is going to be OK.

American Footballers are all padded!!! Rugby is a tough sport


Soccer is for wimps. If he broke his leg playing American football, he'd hop to the hospital on his good leg. We are that tough!

American Footballers are all padded!!! Rugby is a tough sport

tiptoppc 19

Yeah, they just play around you. You gotta drag your own disabled ass off the field yourself. American football is for pansies. Rugby teaches you what real pain is! Sidenote: Am american, and I’d rather watch rugby than football

Nikki 17

My vote goes to AFL, getting tackled from all sides, mostly unexpectedly hurts much more But most importantly, we can all agree that soccer is for wimps

If you were you’d be playing rugby. And if American football was so great, football wouldn’t be the most played sport in the world.

Soccer is cheap and stupid, so no wonder most of the world plays it. Any idiot can run around on a soccer field and not harm their team too much. American football is very exclusive. If you don't have an exceptional skill set for your position, you will sink your team.

I presume by now the crisis has mostly passed. Hopefully either boss came to their senses or OP grew some courage. Remember this while you look for your next job. I’m not saying quit without another job lined up, but start looking. Life is too short to work for an asshole. And I hope son’s leg is going to be OK.