Grossed out

By BARF - 12/02/2023 18:00

Today, my boyfriend is an incredibly adventurous eater. We were on a road trip and stopped at a place that had "Fried brain sandwiches" and he insisted on trying one. He loved it. Just watching him eat it made me so sick that I still feel nauseous hours later. FML
I agree, your life sucks 764
You deserved it 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Near Evansville, Indiana? Very popular there. They used cow brains until Mad Cow Disease and then switched to pig. I don't know if they've switched back.

Is the sandwich made OF fried brains, or is it for people WITH fried brains? Or both?


Is the sandwich made OF fried brains, or is it for people WITH fried brains? Or both?

Dahlmer family restaurants, Fried Brian brains.

Fried Brian brains? Damn, Peter's gonna be pissed and even Stewie may be disturbed.

tiptoppc 19

Fun the surviving family can enjoy!

Near Evansville, Indiana? Very popular there. They used cow brains until Mad Cow Disease and then switched to pig. I don't know if they've switched back.

All he needed was fava beans and Chianti and he would have been in heaven.