By superspy3214 - 04/11/2015 03:24 - United States

Today, I was working at a movie theater when I was called to clean what can only be described as "Dog Shit Surprise" out of a theater. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 169
You deserved it 1 442

superspy3214 tells us more.

OP here, first of all I'm still in school making A's in my honors courses and secondly it was neither human nor dog shit, apparently a guy brought his kid into the theater to see Paranormal Activity and the kid got so scared he threw up then dumped his popcorn and mozzarella sticks on the ground

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I always hate how much the theaters charge for Dog Shit Surprise, so I sneak my own in.

#26 someone told op to stay in school which is why I guess op mentioned their grades.


Someone better not make a shitty pun about this..

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Darko913 4

the movie theaters don't make money off the tickets. that money goes to the makers of the movies. that's why concessions are so expensive; because the only money the theatre makes is from concessions. don't blame the theaters.

Iwannarock1 19

you're wrong, but keep thinking that.

um, no, you're wrong. ever do the books for a movie theater? or seen them none the less?

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A07 48

Congratulations on making a brilliant pun that no one else could come up with

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I've heard of people sneaking food into movie theaters, but never dogs...

wordygirl 11

Was the dog shit the surprise or was there a surprise in the dog shit? Was it decorated with popcorn? We really need more clarification here!

Well the dog shit couldn't have been the surprise, else the name would just ruin the surprise. I bet the surprise was that it was mixed with pumpkin mush.

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meli1195 31

people can have jobs while going to school.

Ugh I meant to thumbs down your comment but accidentally thumbed it up. The FML teach should really work on making it so you can change that.

Even if OP wasn't in school, they never clarified whether they were or not in the FML itself. What if OP had just graduated or needed to make ends meet and the job was necessary to have? People nowadays can stay in school as you suggested but it will not always mean you have a job making millions in a place where everything is candy and sunshine.

OP replied saying she was in school still, and out working which is good for CV