Air filters

By David - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Seattle

Today, my mother-in-law moved in because she has a hip problem. I don't know what's worse, her constant complaining and slob like tendencies, or the eight cats she brought along with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 424
You deserved it 2 221

Top comments

soullessgingers 0

If she's living in your house, you need to set lines and not let her run you over.


Just put some sleeping pills in food and thats 1 problem solved! As for the cats, play with em! Animals are nice and you'll have fun.

Awe I'd be in heaven with all those kitties :)

If that's Heaven, then I'd rather go to Hell ...

To late now that your married, maybe try talking to your wife bout the cats?

BunchieRules 31

To anyone who doesn't understand this comment: the fact that OP has a mother-in-law obviously means he's married. Personally, I don't think talking about it is such a bad idea, but his wife will likely disagree, as she would probably want to take care of her own mother.

I would've drawn the line at the 8 cats.

Forget the cats, I could just kick them if they get too annoying for me; it's the slob for me that draws the line ...

For me, it would be the ungratefulness of having imposed upon you but not being prepared to pull her own weight by not being a slob etc. Eight cats are no issue by comparison.

They are when combined with slobness. Have you smelt an overflowing kitty litter tray? (I haven't, but once you smelt a one-turd tray it's not hard to extrapolate...)

I agree, you can do a few jobs sitting down if her hip is too painful! cats are smelly though so I don't agree with them not being an issue!

If both the cats and her start in unison, I would think about divorce or possibly pet murder.

medichick 5

8??? That's a lot. I have 3 and that's a lot sometimes just to keep up with the litter. Geez. Good luck.

The sobbing and complaining. Cats are awesome.

At least you didn't say father. That would have just been awkward...