Adding insult to injury

By robinhoood - 20/04/2009 05:53 - United States

Today, I got T-boned by a woman going 60 mph. I was unconscious for hours, while a tube was inserted into my collapsed lung. Upon waking up, my 16-year old brother thought it would be hilarious to yank out my leg hairs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 86 159
You deserved it 3 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

friedkabob1225 0

i love how the fml is your brother pulling out your leg hairs not the fact that you almost died

0mggirl 0

that sucks, i had a collapsed lung this summer and it's horrible. good luck.


ragas 0

Lol, I think it's funny that you think the FML is the leg hair part instead of getting hit by a car, but that's just me. Still, FYL

not gonna lie, but that sounds like a lie.

ZH13 0

your brother's a douschebag

Rantie 0

You should definatly shave his eyebrows while he is sleeping

SilentGround 0

you know what's sweet? revenge.

5ive 0

whats the FML here? the actual car crash or the leg hairs? hahahaha

RiChY_BaBy08 0

wow thats a bit rediculous! for one how are you all up on the computer, and two you and your brother must always do stuff like that. glad you're okay

Wow, that's the single most horrific FML I've ever read. I'm so depressed right now. I hope you recover and epically pwn your brother.