Accidental homophobia

By Anonymous - 28/05/2016 03:47 - United States

Today, my brother came out on Facebook, with a message including the words "I got nothing against gays. Except my dick!" I replied "Eww!" My second comment, "Eww because of the analogy, lol." disappeared among a load of replies tearing me apart for being a homophobe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 000
You deserved it 3 284

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm not sure why you wouldn't just edit your original comment instead of writing a second message. There's a reason why the editing option exists.

DeadxManxWalking 27

edit the first comment and make those people see.


Snickers4 16

Shit I don't get this one

Too many sensitive people OP, I wouldn't have said anything after they call me a homophobe. Let them think and say what they want. If you know you're not one at heart, who cares what anyone else thinks.

I'm really sorry you're having a hard time because of a misinterpreted comment. But, your brother is kind of lucky to have so many people stand up for him, even if they are doing it misguidedly. I'm sure he'd appreciate your support too, strangers on the internet will probably calm down and see your explanation eventually but your brother is likely never going to stop having to come out throughout his life.

People are so stupid. Saying ew to something like that doesn't necessarily mean you're homophobic. Dick jokes aren't everyone's cup of tea. FYL

(As everyone else has mentioned) Edit the comment instead of posting a second as 'correction'.

There's a reason the Edit button exists...

metalcrazed 21

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Theblasus 15

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This is definitely a YDI, your brother posted an immature message. You didn't need to write a puerile response.

It's not puerile to say "ew" in response to your brother coming out in such a vulgar way.

You don't have to be a homophobe to be disgusted by the idea of sodomy. I'd say "eww" even if it were a reference to a female in the same context. people need to chill.