You deserve each other

By best friend! - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, my best friend informed me that she has been sleeping with my boyfriend. She tried to justify it by saying, "He's just going to break up with you anyway." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 010
You deserved it 2 488

Top comments

That's horrible. I can't even begin to imagine what you're feeling. So sorry OP.

Well she's obviously not your best friend if she'd do something shady like that. I would end my friendship with her, and breakup with that scumbag cheating boyfriend.


Tell me you smacked that hoe an knocked him out an once you did you threw them out in the trash were they belong get mad an move on not really worth the time

chum_mum 7

Stab them in the vaginas, yes i said vaginas 'cause any guy who is shitty enough to **** your best friend is not a real man....

geod69 8

Now tell her no because you're going to break up with him then punch her

You should slap that bitch and knee her in the face-.-

Well smack the bitch and never talk to her again. And then dump your boyfriend.

You guys are to quick to judge, just because op got cheated on doesn't make automatically innocent, for all we know she could have cheated on her boyfriend before but if she hasn't then op deserves a lot better

Either way, if she did cheat, that doesn't mean the boyfriend should go out and cheat on her with her best friend. That means the boyfriend should talk to her about it, break up with her, and then move on. Why the hell is our society so damn vindictive? She (or he) did you wrong, be the bigger person and move the hell on.

CursedSilent 1

Just cause a person slipped up does not mean they deserve the same treatment. My husband cheated on me with a very close friend but I understood where they were both coming from and also understand that if I were to cheat, it would hurt me and lower my self respect not to mention hurt the person I love because of an oops moment. People that think cheating is okay cause the other person did it are just as bad as the original cheater, they just found their reason to justify it.

desireev 17

66- This is a 'worst-case-scenario'. Let's just say that OP had cheated on her boyfriend before.. They are/were still together. That means that they, obviously, worked through it. He found forgiveness in OP and they both moved on and let the past be the past. Ok, so he cheats now.. With OPs best friend.. They've moved past the previous issue, found forgiveness, and moved on! So what would make it alright for him to cheat? (Especially, with her best friend!) Moral of the story; two wrongs do NOT make a right! OP has every right to feel the way she's feeling! And, whether or not OP has previously cheated, he is still down-right WRONG for doing this to OP! FYL, OP! Move on, honey! There's more to life than this pain and sorrow! Keep your chin up and move forward! Stay mature about things and, remember, you're better off without them! :)

mega20913 8

screw her!! but don't worry about it OP...karma will do your dirty work for you

Very sad. Definitely obvious u don't need those two in your life. You're better than that!

hateevryone 14

some friend she is. screw both of them. they're worthless.

mzkay7 1

Omgsh, that's horrible and a sad excuse. Doesn't sound like a true friend to me and I hope to god you didnt remain friends with her. Slap a hoe! Like the saying goes " keep your friend close and your enemies closer :D