Who? How? Why? When?

By who remembers that?! - 14/03/2022 08:00 - United States

Today, a woman I didn’t know swung at me in Walmart. After scuffling, security pulled us apart as we waited for the cops. Why? Apparently I ruined her brother’s life and sent him on a “tragic” spiral after I refused to go to a high school dance with him. I have no idea who she’s talking about. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 263
You deserved it 96

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he was that unstable, you, or whoever else turned him down, definitely should have. Going on a pity date with someone that mentally unstable is dangerous. At a minimum you’re likely to get a stalker out of the deal, and it could be far, far worse.

It's like dumbshit is bound to occur at Walmart. Try online shopping in the meantime.


If he was that unstable, you, or whoever else turned him down, definitely should have. Going on a pity date with someone that mentally unstable is dangerous. At a minimum you’re likely to get a stalker out of the deal, and it could be far, far worse.

It's like dumbshit is bound to occur at Walmart. Try online shopping in the meantime.