By Abr829 - 09/11/2009 06:33 - United States

Today, I had just finished writing an essay for English. I was proud of it and thought it was one of my best works. I decided to show it to my mom, who is an English major. She read it, turned to me and said, "You know, if you actually want to go to UCLA, you're going to need to actually try." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 216
You deserved it 4 640

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TJStarzZ 8

Dude, my mother is a Science major, my anatomy teacher, and all that jazz. Doesn't mean that EVERYTHING she says is right, though. You should take the paper to your professor, cause knowing my mom, when I took my perfectly dissected fetal pig and removed brain to her, she got mad because it was better than the one she did a few years back. All I'm saying is, don't just take her words to heart, if you did great and you know it, you got nothing to worry about.


TJStarzZ 8

Dude, my mother is a Science major, my anatomy teacher, and all that jazz. Doesn't mean that EVERYTHING she says is right, though. You should take the paper to your professor, cause knowing my mom, when I took my perfectly dissected fetal pig and removed brain to her, she got mad because it was better than the one she did a few years back. All I'm saying is, don't just take her words to heart, if you did great and you know it, you got nothing to worry about.

QuentinM95 0

Man I'm sorry. Moms just suck. No one but a mom could possibly say anything that tactless.

Since when are moms supposed to be tactful? OP's mom brought attention to the problem before it reached the outside world so he could fix it. A real FML would be the OP's mom praising the paper, followed by the OP getting a failing grade on it.

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

Well, if you actually want to go to UCLA, you should actually work really hard on that paper, so you can get an actual good grade on it. Maybe then the UCLA people will think you're actually smart! /endmock. Seriously, OP? Either your teacher speaks like a 2nd grader, or you really do need to work on your writing skills. So, I'm actually gonna go with YDI. The FML people are probably gonna fix this, so this comment won't make much sense soon. Whatever.

katinthehat 0

so, the OP deserves to be insulted because his MOM said "actually" twice in a sentence? of course. that's perfectly logical.

Even if the mom weren't going for the poesy of parallel construction, take out either "actually" and you change the meaning of the sentence. She did not mispeak. She tried to be candid with you, OP. Ask for some specific pointers and try to improve your writing if you want to get into a good college. I didn't always want to listen to my mom, but she was usually right, and later I won a lot of money for my writing skills. Now she calls me for writing help.

The OP is most likely paraphrasing what his mother said. We already know that the OP has writing skills. Once one hears something IRL, one tends to make it one's own. People don't memorize word for word quotes from everyday life, but remember mostly the gist of things. Or... the mother might just be using the either "either" actually for extra emphasis since the OP seems thick-headed.

Flutist 3

You don't always need to get compliments from your parents. Also, some people don't try on their papers, they think just because they string a compentent sentence together they are English majors. You might just really suck at writing.

FlaminYawn 0

LOL, UCLA is a state school. Who has to try to get in? Retards can get degrees from state schools.

UCLA is one of the most selective public universities in the U.S. People who do their best all throughout high school don't make it in. Did you go to a state school?

dudeitsdanny 9

No, he went to a city college and flunked out. ;D

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

Blah, I read it wrong. It's the OP's mom, not his teacher.

YDI for having low standards, listen to your mother and go improve your skills.

Your mom is just mad because she got a useless major.