Vibe check

By Drew - 30/06/2021 02:01

Today, I had two different tennis shoes on all day and no one noticed, including myself. When I mentioned it to my family, they told me not to worry about it because no one pays attention me anyway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 841
You deserved it 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You now have the official permission to wear whatever you damn like, including a Batman costume, a Borat mankini, Femen-style painting, giga-slippers and so on.


I'm sorry, were you saying something?

Seriously, there is no law that one has to wear matching shoes, socks, earrings and so on.

You now have the official permission to wear whatever you damn like, including a Batman costume, a Borat mankini, Femen-style painting, giga-slippers and so on.