By Anonymous - 31/05/2015 04:47 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my hateful mother-in-law showed up unexpectedly. I faked taking a phone call so the bitter old hag would leave me alone. She then pulled out her phone, called my number, and glared at me as my phone rang against my ear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 720
You deserved it 13 096

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have looked her square in the eye and said "hold on I have another call", and answered it

I hate mother-in-laws who won't at least try to embrace their child's partner. It's icky how they try and keep control over a fully grown adult and don't respect their decisions. (unless of course the partner is abusive or their child is underage etcetc)


sonasonic 34

He won't be alive for long to celebrate.... *shudder*

I don't know many people that marry their mother-in-law #3.

Why would you get a divorce because of a bitchy mother in law? Id say bring it to attention with the spouse instead

You guys don't understand. A bad mother in law can ruin YOUR LIFE

I laughed so hard at the stupidity in that comment

i love how everyone that says that this mentality is stupid, is either female, or has a nice mother in law. those of us that know the struggle agree with you #3

having a horrible mother in law can definitely ruin your marriage. especially if your spouse refuses to defend you or speak up.

I don't think you understand what happened

I feel sorry for you, that you got caught.

You win some, you lose some this time it didn't work out.

I hate mother-in-laws who won't at least try to embrace their child's partner. It's icky how they try and keep control over a fully grown adult and don't respect their decisions. (unless of course the partner is abusive or their child is underage etcetc)

They all have psychic powers. Didnt you read the manual?

Dreamsorrow93 24

I saw psychic, read psychotic.

mmmxr 11

Omg! I did that too and I didn't even notice until I read your comment.

ninjamadi 16

Eh both apply to the situation

Don't let her bring you down OP! Be strong and face her with courage!

Honestly you have the right to just leave. I'm so sorry that she's your mother in law & I hope through out time you guys will get along.

gobiteme2 34

It would have been okay if she didn’t leave her home. Trouble is that she showed upped unexpectedly which means 1) they are renting from her. or 2) they are living in mother-in-law’s house. Only thing they should do is pick up and run fast, very fast, far, far away!

FMLusername969 21

Because despite your own feelings you have to he respectful of your in laws. That's how us Italians do it.

Durantye 8

52 it doesn't matter if you are renting from them at all they still aren't allowed to be there if they aren't welcomed. Plus a mother-in-law showing up unexpectedly doesn't mean she had power over their home somehow sometimes people do visit without calling first.

52, or 3) the MIL just decided to show up at the OPs place because she felt like it. just because she decided to show up unexpectedly, does not mean they either rent from the MIL or live in her house. mothers & MILs, can and will do as they want, even if it is unappreciated.

TallMist 32

#64 I'd never respect anyone that refuses to show me any respect.

Tessa_11 19

Hahahahaha. Very smart of her. I'm sorry you hate her though. Dont let her bring you down!

ColonelCusswords 24

Bitches have better sences than us humans

ColonelCusswords 24

female dogs have an increase in smell and hearing than humans do and can use that in all kinds of ways picking up on moods and actions of other organisms

ColonelCusswords 24

Holy titty ******* christ I'm a pretentious assface.