Trolling for soup

By he's a dawk, and a cunt - 05/07/2013 22:29 - Australia - Darling Point

Today, my boyfriend and I went to my parents' barbecue. He knew my family is extremely religious, so what did he do? Called for silence to make an announcement, namely: "God isn't real." Cue a riot that ended in us being kicked out and me all but disowned for "putting him up to it". FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 237
You deserved it 8 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he can't respect your family (and their religious beliefs) enough to be polite, he isn't worth your time.

Hm, I can't tell who's worse. It's either your boyfriend or your parents. Also, if your boyfriend is an atheist, good luck having Christmas with your parents and him.


He's probably gloating about it on r/atheism at this very moment

I think your family is dumber than your boyfriend. It is not rude to voice your opinion and especially one that is backed up by science.

I would not stay with a guy thst showed no respect for my family.

wrenavery90 12

He sounds like a real asshole. He showed a real lack of respect.