By parentfail - 11/12/2010 14:44 - United Kingdom

Today, without even trying, I convinced my 17-year-old daughter that blueberries are just peas holding their breath. I have raised a complete airhead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 470
You deserved it 104

Top comments

Next you should try telling her that she can get pregnant from boys even touching her and are what happens. XD


No op, fyl not because of her being an airhead but because you were stupid enough to believe her when she said she believed you..

spanelli 16

I didn't know it was so obvious from the information given in the FML...

beatleschick1940 9

Sounds like you didn't "try" very hard to prevent her from becoming an airhead either. And it's great that you're encouraging her ignorance. I believe it's her life that is ******.

snartyprance 0

Today, my mother very earnestly explained to me that blueberries are peas holding their breath. I played along because it's not her fault she's a moron. FML.

OP - wait till you have that BIRDS & BEES talk with her. That will really confuse the **** out of her!

Well actually you can. Apparently elementary and middle schools take children off of the logical thinking. Little children have a lot more logic thinking in them than is believed and, after research, they found out a lot of that logical thinking is lost in elementary school and middle school (and high school). Which is simply just a waste. However OP I just somehow don't feel like blaming you. Maybe, like someone said before, she has good looks and is become a stereotype she feels to live up to. Cheerleader>air head (or something like that)

I don't think I even need to justify why you deserve this...

love it..gonna try that on my 2year old