By Fluffydemise - 19/01/2013 18:39 - United States

Today, while sledding with my daughter, I tried getting her to go down a steeper slope than she's used to. She was worried she'd crash, so I went first to show her how it's done. I lost control halfway down the hill, bailed, and rolled into a tree. My wife has it on video. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 155
You deserved it 14 146

Fluffydemise tells us more.

OP here. Just made an account. Will consider posting the video!

Top comments

Be glad it was you and not your daughter (: next time be more careful.

Ahh, a moment that she'll never forget :)


If she really loves you, she will put it on You Tube.

"Hey go down" "But I'm scared" "O.K. I'll do it" "Really!? But it's so steeper!" "Don't worry my love. You use the sledge like this" Rolled into a tree I'm sorry but I can't stop laughing. Lol

At least you have an instructional video on what not to do now

AFV that shit! Something great could come from your total screw up :D

watsinausername 13

Time to learn how to pizza and fries and do them right.

Op pulled a Citizen Kane by not protecting his Rosebuds...