By broken_tibia - 10/12/2010 17:30 - Canada

Today, while playing soccer, I was kicked so hard in the shin that my tibia snapped. The snap was so loud that even the audience heard. As we waited for an ambulance, my mom started yelling for me to get off the field so the game could continue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 297
You deserved it 3 243

broken_tibia tells us more.

clarification: I was wearing a shin-gaurd (clearly not a very good one...), the kick had enough force to break my leg anyways. Also, I only know about the loud crack because people told me about it, I didn't hear it myself (I was too busy writhing in agony to register much of anything really).

Top comments

OP's mom really has her priorities straight. >.>

Yarrachel 16


aw, OP, that sucks. I myself quit playing soccer, even just with friends, cuz I had two of my bones broken, my radius and my fourth metatarsal. so I feel your pain... literally too lol. get better soon and dont pay attention to your mom's bitching :)

Well maybe you shouldn't be such a baby.. That's embarrassing, if it was me I would drag myself're a puss

How about I find you and break your tibia with a ******* bat and drag you across the street... Hanging from the back of my car?

Two and a half years ago I broke both my tibia and perone. Thanks for the memories, OP.

^ Second post of yours I've stumbled upon and this joke has been made. Win. ha ha

FFML_314 11

Killing yourself won't solve your misfortunes.

I would say that FFML and Boners need to just do it and get it over with, but I fear that insect-sized unit just won't satisfy. Sorry, FFML, I guess the pink rabbit will have to do tonight.

FFML_314 11

I don't think he swings my way. I certainly don't have a boner to offer. That pink rabbit gives me nightmares.

your mum should hv helped u off the field.

soccer.....that isn't even a sport I'm my book, who gives a rats ass if the game was lost. worry about yourself and your injury.

TaylorTotsYumm 10

Nobody gives a rat's ass about your opinion.