By broken_tibia - 10/12/2010 17:30 - Canada

Today, while playing soccer, I was kicked so hard in the shin that my tibia snapped. The snap was so loud that even the audience heard. As we waited for an ambulance, my mom started yelling for me to get off the field so the game could continue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 297
You deserved it 3 243

broken_tibia tells us more.

clarification: I was wearing a shin-gaurd (clearly not a very good one...), the kick had enough force to break my leg anyways. Also, I only know about the loud crack because people told me about it, I didn't hear it myself (I was too busy writhing in agony to register much of anything really).

Top comments

OP's mom really has her priorities straight. >.>

Yarrachel 16


I had the same thing happen to me a few years ago. The kid kicked me on the side so the shin guard didnt help and everyone around heard it snap. Since there were only 8 mins left they just called the game lol

FFML_314 11

It is pretty hard when I'm involved. I won't dispute that.

Arschloch04 0

Well I found this FML to be quite humerus.

jjcooper 0

that's why you wear shin guards

schnoogens 0

Humerous, thats hilarious. The Humerous is in the shoulder FAiL.

Arschloch04 0

Actually it is spelled Humerus, and where did I say the humerus was in the leg? It's just a bone pun tibia honest.

The humerus actually is near the elbow. Biology BITCH

ok that's very outrageous for your mom's attitude and when I played soccer and someone got hurt not even that badly everyone got on one knee in respect

I broke my collarbone playing rugby I didn't get an ambulance and I kept playing for the next 3min you still had one good leg didn't you?