By broken_tibia - 10/12/2010 17:30 - Canada

Today, while playing soccer, I was kicked so hard in the shin that my tibia snapped. The snap was so loud that even the audience heard. As we waited for an ambulance, my mom started yelling for me to get off the field so the game could continue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 297
You deserved it 3 243

broken_tibia tells us more.

clarification: I was wearing a shin-gaurd (clearly not a very good one...), the kick had enough force to break my leg anyways. Also, I only know about the loud crack because people told me about it, I didn't hear it myself (I was too busy writhing in agony to register much of anything really).

Top comments

OP's mom really has her priorities straight. >.>

Yarrachel 16


I guess your mom never heard of stoppage time.

OP, only question i have is, how could the audience hear your bone snap? That is hard for me to believe.

OP, only question i have is, how could the audience hear your bone snap? That is hard for me to believe.

OP, only question i have is, how could the audience hear your bone snap? That is hard for me to believe.

schnoogens 0

That sounds painful, as an injured player the staff probably wouldn't let you hop or crawl off the field and I bet they took the time to splint it like they should have. Well you will be out for atleast 3 months then have fun with rehab. FYL

clarification: I was wearing a shin-gaurd (clearly not a very good one...), the kick had enough force to break my leg anyways. Also, I only know about the loud crack because people told me about it, I didn't hear it myself (I was too busy writhing in agony to register much of anything really).

TaylorTotsYumm 10

Ouch, I've been there. I'm sorry, hope you recover quickly.(: + it really had nothing to do with your shin pads. With a kick that hard, nothing really helps. Get better soon!

xxochristineox 3

aww were you wearing shinguards??