By Useless training - 11/07/2014 06:04 - United States - Saint Charles

Today, we finished a sit-up test at school. I had been training for the athletic tests, so I was proud of my score. When someone asked what I got and I shared, proud, they responded with, "I bet it helps that your fat bounces you back up." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 698
You deserved it 4 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't let them get to you, be proud of what you're doing and keep up the hard work.

If anything, you worked out more than anyone else. Your body mass means the earth's gravitational pull is stronger on you, so joke's on them.


I am fat don't let those bitchs put your moral down keep your head up and be proud

Fat bounces you up? What? It might cushion so you don't bruise, but the 'bounce' happens in bony people too. Someone was jealous.

Brody_Generico 7

Then u must have beaten their score

Don't let them get to you. They're probably jealous because you got a good score and they didn't

Worry not, OP! Strong abs are the foundation for good performances on every sport. Congratulations for your result, whatever it was, simply because you trained hard for it! If you're indeed "fat" and it bothers you, just add some cardio to you training, combining with some sprints and, of course, a healthy diet. Best wishes for you, OP

menoseloso 13

Someone had a bunch of haterade.

Screw them man they're just pissed you did better than they.

Wow, jealous much? Person is stupid and probably did worse than you. Chin up, OP. Sounds like you rocked it.