By buttsmcgee - 22/11/2016 07:05 - United States - Roseburg

Today, we finally got paperwork saying we were approved for a loan to buy a house! The only problem? It's not eligible for the county we live in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 076
You deserved it 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That not only sucks but didn't whoever you got your loan from know before what county you wanted to buy a house in, seems they should have worked that detail out for you ahead of time

mariri9206 32

Guess they're going to have to count you out?


mariri9206 32

Guess they're going to have to count you out?

That not only sucks but didn't whoever you got your loan from know before what county you wanted to buy a house in, seems they should have worked that detail out for you ahead of time

What? Did you not get the loan from the same country you live in?

That's what im wondering, cause what bank or whatever institution you got your loan from wont approve loans for the county they run their business in that's got me stumped

Bobby319 24

Oh wow I'm so sorry for that obvious spelling mistake

mariri9206 32

*exasperated sigh* It's ONE LETTER and, at first, I thought it said country, too. People make that mistake all the time. Don't be jerks about it.

Burle 17

Your chance to get out of Trumpland

I think it's possible to interpret rejection in one county as an invitation to start over again in Canada....

Oregon is as far from "Trumpland" as you can get and still be in North America.

Actually it is not. Just because Portland is pretty blue, the rest of the state is not.

mariri9206 32

As stated in three different comments above yours.

species4872 19

Yesterday, we didn't get paperwork saying we were unapproved for a loan to buy a Garage! The many problems? It's not edible for the country we use to live it up in. Fridge Magnets Lenny. There have fun with that one for those that can't tell the difference between County and Country.

I can tell between county and country but I'm still lost..

cootiequeen4444 11

On a positive note: you got approved. Lot of people don't get approved. Now just getting the location correct.

The not-so-subtle way to say "get out"

How did this happen unless you live in Portland?