By nick_of_time - 23/05/2010 14:23 - United States

Today, the supervisory staff at work was changed in my area. The good news? My boyfriend is now my manager. The bad news? My ex, the guy I cheated on my boyfriend with, is our supervisor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 614
You deserved it 75 034

nick_of_time tells us more.

nick_of_time 0

Lol, people are soo funny. I agree with half of the post on here. Karma is indeed a bitch but as for me saying FML because now they might find out and I'll get punished well, they both already know so not so much. BTW, no hearts were broken so wrong again.

Top comments

princess_16910 0

You spun your own web and got stuck in it. I have no sympathy.


karmas a bitch, bitch! you flat out deserve it =)

Karma is a bitch, and you are a ****. YDI, hahaha.

that's what you get for dating coworkers. it rarely turns out well.

vanilla2u 5

Someone who sleeps with more than one person is a ****, op your a ****. YDI and i hope your bf dumps ur sorry ass.

Easyaccess 0
dp23tc 0

karmas a bitch!!! u deserve it thou!!

jaycob11 0