By MainePains - 10/10/2014 23:27 - United States - Portsmouth

Today, my son was crying because he's afraid he might get Ebola. We live in Maine, and he's 16. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 259
You deserved it 4 927

MainePains tells us more.

Hello, OP here! Apparently, the reason he has been crying is because the high school he goes to a lot of rumors are flying around- about Ebola coming to Maine. Thanks for the advice, but I have to say- a few of you are Maineiacs.

Top comments

Indianboy9321 25

The Maine thing is that you explain to him he's safe.

Ebola has been blown totally out of proportion, yes, its a hazard in Africa with over three thousand deaths but it won't end up being the next zombie apocalypse as is always portrayed with movies, we have unrealistic views of the world and the news goes a long way in brainwashing us.


Whatever you do, do not let him anywhere near a Stephen King book.

simplysarcastics 26

Well it is spreading fast so I understand how he feels. The way people travel, makes it possible and if it can come from one big continent to another it can spread state to state.

There is a possible chance...but it's not likely

Dreamsorrow93 24

It went from Texas to a case in Illinois in less than a month... So it's possible.

Hum not sure I can confirm this information.

No, that was fake. It's contained here and so far no one he came in contact with has started showing symptoms.

The guy in Illinois was joking. He was arrested though for "threatening public safety."

#16 must have played too much plague, inc

Dreamsorrow93 24

Ah ok. Thanks for correcting me haha. I work so many hours I don't watch much of the news to know About what's fake or true lol.

The first guy in Texas died, but a health care provider from Texas was just diagnosed

nightowl713 25

I don't know if it is in Illinois, but it it has spread to a nurse that was treating the original patient in Dallas. It's all over the news. The nurse could have potentially spread it other patients, family neighbors, or friends.

Likely, no, possible, yes. It's already crossed countries.

Least he is aware of the world around him! Can't knock him for that. Kids can be sensitive!

I live in Maine as well! But I haven't been worried about Ebola at all. We don't talk about it in school, we kind of just ignore it. Let him be for a few days, it'll pass.