By DaveAlmighty - 24/04/2012 23:59 - United States

Today, my son told me he needed a haircut. I was thrilled that he actually requested it, since he normally throws a fit over getting them. He described the cut he wants. It's a mullet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 247
You deserved it 3 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Spottedfeather 7

Mullets are great. They are the hairdo of the gods, after all. Look at all the sculptures of the greek gods. They all have mullets.

tensley5822mom 0

At least he wants a hair cut.

every boy has a mullet at least once in their life. (: but depends on the extremity of the mullet .. eeek! Hope its decent looking!

sorry to tell you but your son is going to be a redneck, this happened to one of my kids..... had to put him down

bwtchinheels 0

Brother says that all the time...

bringmethejordyn 7

Your son is, what we call here in Ireland, a pikey. Which means he is an inbred hillbilly who jacks cars and asks people for cigarettes and never buys his own. Good luck!