By Anonymous - 07/02/2015 18:32 - United Kingdom - Wallasey

Today, my sister tried to convince me to go to a plastic surgeon, because "Bitchface Syndrome's no joke." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 248
You deserved it 3 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bitchslap her so hard that she needs a plastic surgeon for her face. And a dentist for her teeth. And a therapist for her Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Schedule an emergency appointment for her.


Schedule an emergency appointment for her.

Well shes a "Bitchface"..........(Ba....... Bum...Cheee..)

JMichael 25

I can recommend the one I send my sister to!

Bitchslap her so hard that she needs a plastic surgeon for her face. And a dentist for her teeth. And a therapist for her Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

tiredteenager 16

Why couldn't I have people like you around when I was getting burned a the time in middle school

Careful, you might cut yourself with that edge.

iTzSelverZz 14

She must know its serious because she is one

I'd rather look like a bitch than be a bitch.

Cause you know, looks are deceiving xD

You know what they say: "It takes one to know one."

wow and she definitely needs a personality adjustment. .

Ask which one she went to. That should keep her mouth shut.

RenoTheRhino 30

A bitch personality is no joke either. Let her know that.

chillandfun 12

Maybe you should convince her to go because being "a bitch" is much more worse.

Your sister seems to be very superficial and you should just be you. Don't let people get you down.

Like a lot of people, my sibling and I have never gotten along. It's really just hurting and annoying a person as much as possible while still being able to pass it off as a joke if they get called out.

Oh I completely agree. Obviously in this situation it's hurtful for op and damaging to the relationship. I personally don't care what family says to me, I grew up in a pretty dysfunctional family. Motivation to keep good people around and block out the negativity . Family is always family but you don't have to take shit, or take the low route and bash them worse. To each their own.

tantanpanda 26

She must know from personal experience.