By Itchy - 20/05/2018 18:00 - Algeria

Today, my own breast milk has caused my sensitive skin to break out into a rash all over my chest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 880
You deserved it 261

Top comments

Sounds like thrush. Not saying it is for sure but definitely a possibility. I honestly can't think of an explanation for why you would be allergic to your own breast milk. There have been cases where the baby has been allergic to certain proteins in the milk but I've never heard of the mother being allergic.


I’m guessing there is some fetish **** site where people will pay big money to look at that. Shake those moneymakers!!!

Icecold100 6

Gives a whole new meaning to your own body is your own worst enemy

Sounds like thrush. Not saying it is for sure but definitely a possibility. I honestly can't think of an explanation for why you would be allergic to your own breast milk. There have been cases where the baby has been allergic to certain proteins in the milk but I've never heard of the mother being allergic.

turd_apple 6

It's rare but you actually allergic to your own bodily fluids.

turd_apple 6

It's rare but you actually allergic to your own bodily fluids.

Tell your husband to stop being so sloppy with his sucking

I guess there is a reason to cry over spilt milk

It is a mastitis, a bacterial infection. It will be gone with antibiotics

LOl, and suddenly all the FML commenters turn in to doctors!