By CaffeinePlz_24_7 - 16/11/2016 14:20

Today, my mum called me at work in hysterics, saying she had just been arrested and that I needed to get her dog from her house. I had no idea why she was arrested. I hear nothing from her until 1 a.m. when she calls, waking me up. The first words out of her mouth are, "How's the dog?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 135
You deserved it 742

CaffeinePlz_24_7 tells us more.

OP here (TooStressedToFunction) with an update on things. Had to make an account for this, so enjoy. Turns out my mum AND dad were arrested, and are now on bail for six months. I'm not at liberty to say why they were arrested but trust me the allergations are BAD. Personally I don't belive the allergations are true, but my parents do need to move. Where are they moving? Closer to a support network maybe, consisting of family and friends who can help them through this hard and upsetting time ? Nope! Closer to the dog's special private vet, a full hour away from anyone that they know will help them. I fear pyscological issues are at play. P.S. The dog is fine, other than decades of interbreeding to keep his bloodline pedigree

Top comments

Oh my God OP, you can't leave us hanging like that! HOW'S THE DOG?

There's nothing wrong with loving your dog, but I would say the dog was in no immediate danger, so OP's mum didn't have to call him at 1 am (when OP was probably sleeping) to check up on the dog. Plus, if someone's doing you a favor, I'd say thank them before making such inquiries. I mean, "I'm sorry you had to take my dog, thank you, how is he / she ?" would have worked a lot better. I'm also guessing OP was worried, not knowing why their mom had been arrested, I'd be more interessed in knowing what happenned and whether my mom was ok rather than giving her an update on a dog that had no reason to be any less than fine.


Oh my God OP, you can't leave us hanging like that! HOW'S THE DOG?

There's nothing wrong with loving your dog, but I would say the dog was in no immediate danger, so OP's mum didn't have to call him at 1 am (when OP was probably sleeping) to check up on the dog. Plus, if someone's doing you a favor, I'd say thank them before making such inquiries. I mean, "I'm sorry you had to take my dog, thank you, how is he / she ?" would have worked a lot better. I'm also guessing OP was worried, not knowing why their mom had been arrested, I'd be more interessed in knowing what happenned and whether my mom was ok rather than giving her an update on a dog that had no reason to be any less than fine.

I'm going to reserve judgement on this one a couple of days. If OP follows up it's a FML. If not, it's a YDI for being no better at explanations than her mother.

species4872 19

OP here (TooStressedToFunction) with an update on things. Had to make an account for this, so enjoy. Turns out my mum AND dad were arrested, and are now on bail for six months. I'm not at liberty to say why they were arrested but trust me the allergations are BAD. Personally I don't belive the allergations are true, but my parents do need to move. Where are they moving? Closer to a support network maybe, consisting of family and friends who can help them through this hard and upsetting time ? Nope! Closer to the dog's special private vet, a full hour away from anyone that they know will help them. I fear pyscological issues are at play. P.S. The dog is fine, other than decades of interbreeding to keep his bloodline pedigree

See if they're acting like that then I think it's fair to say psychological reasons are definitely at play, I'm sorry you're going through this.

dragoongirl90 34

Yeah, thanks spellchecking committee... (¬_¬ )

Too bad you didn't have the wits to say, "Gee, [daughter], thanks so much for picking up the dog when I got arrested. I really appreciate you doing this, and I'll pick him/her up in the morning."

Hunh.. I assumed that they fed all the diamonds or coke to the dog... No evidence means no jail.